Lecture 14
- Test Program 1 (actually 3 short programs) is coming soon.
Two parts will be handed out on Wednesday, 10/7, and they will be due 9
days later, 10/16 (the last day before fall break). If you have
questions about the labs to this point, be sure to ask them soon!
We will not be providing much assistance on these programs - see
the academic honesty policy for "test programs".
- You will be working on the Frogger program in labs today and Monday.
The next lab will be broken into two chunks. One chunk will involve writing
one of the three test programs. The other will be a simple lab using GUI
components that we hope you will finish in the lab session, but will otherwise
be due the usual times.
- One week from Monday, 10/12, we will be having the midterm
during class. It will require studying and you will find it
challenging. We will give out a sample exam (Java based) before the exam.
- Because of fall break, we will not have labs on 10/16 or 10/19. However,
I will be available all afternoon on 10/16 if there are issues with the test programs
and you might want to use that period to make some last improvements on your
test programs.