TopMore useful String methodsMiscellaneous interesting String methods:

Miscellaneous interesting String methods:

    public boolean startsWith(String s)
          // true only if this string starts with s
    public boolean endsWith(String s)
          // true only if this string ends with s

    public boolean equals(String s)
          // true only if this string has same sequence of chars as s
    public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s)
          // true only if this string has same sequence of chars as s
          // except capital & lower case letters considered the same

    public int lastIndexOf(String s)
    public int lastIndexOf(String s, int startIndex)
          // return index of last occurrence of s (occurring at or  
          // before startIndex) in this string, and -1 if no match.

    public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
          // Returns a new string resulting from replacing all  
          // occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar. 
    public String trim()
          // Eliminates all leading and trailing spaces.
    public int compareTo(String s)
          // Returns negative int if string before s in case-sensitive
          //    dictionary order;
          // returns 0 if equal
          // returns positive int if string after s in case-sensitive
          //        dictionary order.

    public char charAt(int index)
            // Returns the character at the specified index. 

These may be tried out in the demo program, StringDemos, from last time, which shows how to use the various functions.

TopMore useful String methodsMiscellaneous interesting String methods: