Summary of for loopsTopKnitting a scarf: another example of nested For loopsOther variations

Other variations

The interest example showed us incrementing on each loop, but we didn't start at 0 or 1.

Other variations are possible. We could count down instead of up:

    for (int countdown = 10; countdown >= 1; countdown--) {
    System.out.println ("Blast off!");

We could increment by a value other than 1. For example, we could have kept our interest rate as a double and then incremented by .01.

    private double amount = startInvestment;  // value of investment

    private static final double START_RATE = .02;   // interest rates
    private static final double END_RATE = .12;
    private static final double RATE_INCREMENT = .01;

    private static final int YEARS = 10;      // number of years for investment

    for (double rate = START_RATE; rate <= END_RATE; 
                       rate = rate + RATE_INCREMENT) {
        amount = startInvestment;
        for (int yearNum = 1; yearNum <= YEARS; yearNum++)
            amount = amount + amount * rate;
        System.out.println("At "+ (rate * 100) +"%, the amount is: "+amount);

Warning: Note that you need to be very careful when testing for equality of floating point numbers. Due to roundoff errors, your numbers might not be what you expect.

Summary of for loopsTopKnitting a scarf: another example of nested For loopsOther variations