Cutting and pasting strings
- To paste together two strings, use "+"
- To cut (i.e., to extract a substring of a string) use:
public String substring(int startIndex, int indexBeyond)
For example:
String ratingText = "Rated PG-13";
String rating;
rating = ratingText.substring(6, 11);
Demo 3. Link finder:
We want to write a program to find and extract all of the links in an
html file. See FindLinks.
To do this, we need to know how a link is defined in an HTML file:
<a href="the URL">link </a>
So we need to find the tags "<a>" and
"</a>" that surround the URL.
Convert the string that is the HTML file to lowercase.
String links = "";
Find the first position of "<a"
While there is a link remaining (i.e., position is not -1)
- Find the other end of it i.e., ">"
- Get the substring between those (that's the URL)
- Concatenate it to links found so far
- Find the next "<a"
// Extract all the links from a web page
private String findLinks( String fullpage )
int tagPos, // Start of <A tag specification
tagEnd; // Position of first ">" after tag start
// A lower case only version of the page for searching
String lowerpage = fullpage.toLowerCase();
// Text of one A tag
String tag;
// The A tags found so far
String links = "";
// Paste stuff on end of page to ensure searches succeed
fullpage = fullpage + " >";
tagPos = lowerpage.indexOf("<a ",0);
while (tagPos >= 0 )
tagEnd = fullpage.indexOf(">",tagPos+1);
tag = fullpage.substring(tagPos, tagEnd+1);
links = links + tag + "\n";
tagPos = lowerpage.indexOf("<a ", tagEnd);
return links;