Playing with HTMLTopConverting strings

Converting strings


   public String toLowerCase()
   public String toUpperCase()

Creates a new version of a string that is either all lower case or all upper case. Does not change the original string.

Demo 2. A case-insensitive word counter/finder differs from

the earlier version only by the added two lines in the following.

  private int substringCounter( String text, String word)
        int count = 0;
        int pos;
        text = text.toLowerCase();
        word = word.toLowerCase();
        pos = text.indexOf(word,0);
        while ( pos >= 0 )
            pos = text.indexOf(word,pos+word.length());
        return count;

Note that the assignment statements to text and word are required. String methods do not manipulate the given string. They make a brand new one.

Playing with HTMLTopConverting strings