Programming Assignments and LaboratoriesTopInstructor & TextLectures and Readings

Lectures and Readings

The schedule on the following two pages shows the topics to be covered at each class meeting during the semester. Students should consult this page regularly to see the most current version of the schedule of topics and readings.

All reading assignments are from the text. Students should come to class having at least skimmed the indicated readings for the day. You should then read the chapter in depth after the lecture. Attempt to work all the problems at the end of each section as you are reading. Homework associated with each lecture should be done after that lecture and will be discussed at the start of the next class.

Lecture Date Topic Reading Hmwk assigned
1. Sept. 5 Fundamentals & Graphics Ch 1 1.9.3
2. Sept. 7 Event Handling & Numbers Ch 2, 3 2.7.2
3. Sept. 10 Conditionals Ch 4 3.11.2, 3.11.3
4. Sept. 12 More conditionals Ch 4 4.8.4,4.8.6
5. Sept. 14 Primitive types & classes Ch 5 5.7.2, 5.7.6
6. Sept. 17 Class declarations Ch 6 6.8.4, 6.9.1
7. Sept. 19 Control Structures Ch 6, 8 6.6.2, 7.10.1, 8.6.3
8. Sept. 21 More Control Structures & Scope Ch 7 7.11.3, 8.6.2
9. Sept. 24 Active Objects Ch 9.1-9.2 9.10.1, 9.10.2
10. Sept. 26 More active objects Ch 9.3-9.5 9.10.3, 9.11.1
11. Sept. 28 Even more active objects Ch 9.6-9.9 9.11.2
12. Oct. 1 Interfaces Ch 10 10.5.1, 10.5.2
13. Oct. 3 Design Ch 21
14. Oct. 5 GUI components Ch 11.1-11.3
15. Oct. 8 More GUI components Ch 11.4-11.6 11.9.1
16. Oct. 10 Yet more GUI components Ch 11.7-11.8 11.9.2
17. Oct. 12 Recursion Ch 12.1
18. Oct. 15 More recursion Ch 12.1
19. Oct. 17 Even more recursion Ch 12.2
20. Oct. 19 For loops Ch 13 13.6.2, 13.6.5
Oct. 22 Fall Break
21. Oct. 24 Arrays Ch 14.1-14.5 14.9.3
22. Oct. 26 Midterm
23. Oct. 29 More Arrays Ch 14.6-14.8 14.9.4
24. Oct. 31 Even More Arrays Ch 14.6-14.8
25. Nov. 2 Multi-dimensional Arrays Ch 15.1-15.2.2 15.4.1
26. Nov. 5 More multi-dimensional Arrays Ch 15.2.3-15.3 15.4.2
27. Nov. 7 Yet more multi-dimensional Arrays Ch 15.2.3-15.3 15.4.4
28. Nov. 9 Inheritance Ch 17.1-17.5 17.8.5
29. Nov. 12 More Inheritance Ch 17.6-17.7 17.8.6-7
30. Nov. 14 Strings Ch 16.1-16.2 16.5.2-16.5.4
31. Nov. 16 More Strings Ch 16.3 16.5.5-16.5.6
32. Nov. 19 Even More Strings Ch 16.4 16.5.7
33. Nov. 21 Exceptions Ch 18 18.9.1
Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Break
34. Nov. 26 Streams Ch 19.1-19.3 19.7.2, 19.7.3
35. Nov. 28 More Streams & Networks Ch 19.4 19.7.4
36. Nov. 30 More Networking Ch 19.5-19.6 19.7.5
37. Dec. 3 Searching Ch 20.1 20.6.1
38. Dec. 5 Sorting Ch 20.2-20.3.4 20.6.3
39. Dec. 7 Sorting Ch 20.3.5-20.5
40. Dec. 10 Concurrency
41. Dec. 12 Summary

Programming Assignments and LaboratoriesTopInstructor & TextLectures and Readings