# A10: Final Project The final assignment for this course is to write up and present your course project. ### Part 1: Final Project Writeup (Due December 11 @ 11:59pm PT) Write a paper about your course project. Your paper should look like the research papers we have read in this class. It should include (1) a short (1 paragraph) abstract briefly summarizing your work, (2) an introduction that provides motivation for your project along with a summary of your methodology and results, (3) a related work section, (4) a methodology section, (5) a results section, (6) a conclusion section, (7) a bibliography/references section, and (8) an appendix containing any study protocols used in your user study. Note that several of these sections will look a lot like the work you have already submitted for earlier assignments. It's fine to use your submissions for previous assignments as a first draft of those sections. (Or a final draft, but realistically you'll probably want to do some revisions.) Your final project writeup should be formatted using the following [this latex template](cs181w-latex-template.zip). **What to submit** A copy of your final project writeup entitled `paper.pdf` along with a zip file containing all the source files used to generate that pdf entitled `fp.zip`. ### Part 2: Feedback (Due December 11 @ 11:59pm PT) Answer the following questions: 1. How long did you spend on this assignment? 2. Any comments or feedback? Things you found interesting? Things you found challenging? Things you found boring? **What to submit** A txt file named `feedback.txt` containing your answers to the feedback questions (you may answer these individually or as a group). ### Part 3: Final Project Presentations (December 13, 9am-noon) During our assigned final exam time (Tuesday, December 13, 9am-noon), you will present your course project to the rest of the class. Your presentation should be approximately 10-15 minutes and should cover the same general topics as your final project write up (motivation, methodology, results, conclusions). You should also be prepared to answer questions about your project. **What to submit** You do not need to submit anything for this part in advance. During class, you will fill out a handout about each of the presentations.