# A5: Project IRB Proposal **Deadline:** Tuesday, October 11, 2022 @ 11:59 pm PT Your assignment this week is comprised of two parts: (1) read and review two research papers about passwords (R1) and (2) submit a formal proposal to the Pomona Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct your course project (A5). The readings and reviews should be completed individually (as should the feedback file for Part 3). Your IRB proposal (Part 2) should be completed and submitted as a group with your project group. ### Part 1: Password Readings Select two of the following papers to read and review: - P. Kelley et al. [Guess again (and again and again): Measuring password strength by simulating password-cracking algorithms](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=6234434). Oakland 2012. - M. Mazurek et al. [Measuring Password Guessability for an Entire University](https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~lbauer/papers/2013/ccs2013-real-passwords.pdf). CCS 2013. - B. Ur et al. [Design and Evaluation of a Data-Driven Password Meter](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3025453.3026050). CHI 2017. - S. Pearman et al. [Why people (don’t) use password managers effectively](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/soups2019-pearman.pdf). SOUPS 2019. For each paper you select, you should write a short (1-page) review containing the following information: 1. Which paper you read and a 1-2 sentence summary of the paper. 2. A more in-depth outline of the main points of the paper, including the type of study conducted, data collected, analysis methodology used, and conclusions drawn. 3. Any limitations you see of this paper. 4. Possible extensions or follow-up projects relating to this work. 5. Your opinion of the paper, primarily, the quality of the ideas and its potential impact. Prior to reading your selected papers, I strongly recommend checking out [this advice](https://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/postscripts/ReadPaper.pdf) on how to read a research paper. **What to submit** A pdf entitled `r1.pdf` containing your two reviews to assignment R1: Password Readings ### Part 2: IRB Proposal Your second task is to submit an IRB proposal to the Pomona IRB through the [Axiom Mentor IRB Management System](https://www.axiommentor.com/login/shibLogin.cfm?i=pomona). Only one person in your group should create and submit the IRB proposal; other group members should be listed as co-PIs. Note this this will involve several steps, and that the software is quite terrible. I'd recommend that you start early. Required steps will include: - Creating a new protocol in the Axiom Mentor system. Note that you must list me as your Faculty Advisor, and you must ensure that the "Send Notification to Faculty Advisor" box is checked. See the [Axiom Mentor Instructions](Student-NewIRBProtocol.pdf) for more details. - Determining what sort of review is required. When you create a new protocol, it will recommend that you take a survey to determine the correct level of review. In most cases, your course project should be eligible for exempt review. If you plan to include people under 18, then you will need to do a full board review; you will also need to complete an additional [checklist](irb-children-investigator-checklist.doc) and attach it to your proposal. *If you are unsure what the right level of review is, check with me as soon as possible!* - Answering the required questions. The precise questions will depend on the level of review selected. Some of them you may be able to use your answers from A4 (incorporating any comments/feedback from me where appropriate). If you are unsure how to answer some question, I recommend talking to me. - Attaching additional protocol materials. This will include any interview scripts/survey questions/etc that you will use for your course project. This will also include a consent form that participants should complete (for online studies, a checkbox on a survey is generally ok). I'd recommend starting with this [consent form template](Consent-template.docx) and adjusting the details to match your study. - Approval from me. You will not be able to submit your proposal to the actual IRB until I've approved it. Expect to need at least one round of revisions before I will do so. **What to submit** No need to submit anything to Gradescope for this part, just submit your protocol proposal on Axiom Mentor. ### Part 3: Feedback Create a file named `feedback.txt` that answers the following questions: 1. How long did you spend on this assignment? 2. Any comments or feedback? Things you found interesting? Things you found challenging? Things you found boring? **What to submit** Your file `feedback.txt`