# A3: User Studies **Deadline:** Tuesday, September 27, 2022 @ 11:59 pm PT In this assignment you will gain experience designing experimental studies and making real-world observations. ### Part 1: Observations This week, we as a class will run a diary study about how students at the 5Cs use two-factor authentication, specifically the Duo app. For this part, your task is to record every time you use Duo to log in. You should record a Duo event when: 1. You have to do something with Duo (e.g., approve a Duo push or enter a Duo code). 2. Events that do not require active participation do not count. To log each event, fill out the following (brief!) [qualtrics survey](https://pomona.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5A3zllH56UKVg3A). You can also access the survey using the following QR code: <img src="A3-qrcode.png" width="200"/> At the end of the week, submit a file named `diary.txt` with answers to the following questions: 1. As a 5C, how do you feel about using the Duo app? 2. If you never used Duo this week, why not? (If you recorded at least one Duo event using the survey, you can just answer n/a) 3. What do you think about diary studies having participated in one? **What to submit** Your file `diary.txt` ### Part 2: Designing an Experimental Study Design an experimental study in the domain of your course project. Recall that an experimental study requires at least two different conditions and participants must be randomly assigned. Some things to consider: What are your conditions? How will participants be assigned to conditions (between subjects or within subjects)? Will this study be in person or online? What information will you collect during the user study (performance data, actions and decisions, opinions and preferences, demographics, etc.)? Note that your solution should include enough material that someone could go and run the experiment you design (e.g., specify what information to log, what survey questions to ask, etc.). **What to submit** A text file or pdf named `experiment.txt` or `experiment.pdf` describing your experimental study. ### Part 3: Acknowledgements For Part 2, you should each submit a design for an experimental study. However, it is fine to discuss ideas with other students (especially other students in your project group) and to have questions in common between your submissions. If you discuss your interview/survey with other students and/or collaborate on any part of your submission for Part 2, you should also submit a file named `acks.txt` that acknowledges their contributions and/or makes clear which components were joint work. If you completed this part entirely on your own, say so in your `acks.txt` file. **What to submit** Your file `acks.txt` ### Part 4: Feedback Create a file named `feedback.txt` that answers the following questions: 1. How long did you spend on this assignment? 2. Any comments or feedback? Things you found interesting? Things you found challenging? Things you found boring? **What to submit** Your file `feedback.txt`