# A2: Asking Questions **Deadline:** Tuesday, September 20, 2022 @ 11:59 pm PT In this assignment you will gain experience conducting and designing interview and survey studies in the domain of usable privacy and security. ### Part 1: Conducting Interviews Conduct an interview to explore the question: How well do California residents understand their Right to Access under CCPA? You should recruit one participant who must (1) be a California resident and (2) not be enrolled in CS 181W. With their permission(!), you should record the interview (audio-only is fine) and submit the transcript. I'd recommend you use Zoom to automatically record audio and generate the transcript. Make sure that you have set your meeting to save to cloud and enable audio transcripts before you start recording if you use Zoom! You should use the following script to conduct your interview: ``` 1. How long have you lived in California? 2. Have you heard of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)? - [if yes] What rights do you think people have under CCPA? - [possible follow-up prompts] right to know what information is collected, right to access data about you, right to delete data, right to portability, right to opt-out of sale of personal info, right to opt-out of sharing of personal information, right to opt-out of sensitive data processing, right to non-discrimination for invoking other rights. - [after, if not clear that they understand this] CCPA grants California residents a right to access information about them collected by websites and other companies. - [if no] CCPA is a California privacy law that went into effect in July 2020. CCPA grants California residents a right to access information about them collected by websites and other companies. 3. Have you ever invoked your right to access by requesting information from a company? - [if yes] How satisfied were you with the process for requesting access? - [if yes] How satisfied were you with the data you received? 4. What do you think the process of requesting access to data should look like? 5. Name one website or app that you sometimes visit or use. 6. What types of information do you think that website/app collects or infers about you? 7. What types of information do you think you should receive if you request access to your information from that website/app? 8. Please visit that website/the website for that app and request access to your information. - [if needed, might need to suggest that they look for the privacy policy, as instructions for requesting access are usually there] - [if needed, might need to help them figure out how to request access. - [once finished] How would you describe your experience requesting access? - [follow-up] How easy was it to figure out how to request access? - [follow-up] How satisfied are you with the mechanisms provided for requesting access? 9. Do you think it would be possible for someone else to get data about you by pretending to be you and requesting data from this website/app? 10. How could this website/app improve their process for requesting access to data? ``` **What to submit** The transcript from your interview, preferably as a plain text file. ### Part 2: Conducting Surveys Recruit (at least) five people to take our survey about dining hall preferences. Your participants must be students at one of the Claremont colleges. They can access the survey at this link: https://pomona.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ewEh5iYfiZxuXMG Or using this QR code: <img src="A2-qrcode.png" width="200"/> **What to submit** You do not need to submit anything for Part 2; you will receive credit as long as the class recruits enough participants as a group. ### Part 3: Designing a User Study In the domain of your course project, design either (1) an interview study or (2) a survey study. If you elect to design an interview, I'd recommend implementing it on qualtrics (information about logging into Qualtrics with Pomona credentials is available [here](https://www.pomona.edu/academics/departments/psychological-science/research-instructional-resources/measurement-data-collection-resources); if you are an off-campus student and want to do this option, you should talk to me). **What to submit** If you elect to design an interview, you should submit a copy of your interview script as as text file or a pdf. If you elect to design a survey, I'd recommend that you share the survey with me on qualtrics; you may also submit a list of survey questions or screenshots of your survey. ### Part 4: Acknowledgements For Part 3, you should each submit a survey or interview. However, it is fine to discuss ideas with other students (especially other students in your project group) and to have questions in common between your submissions. If you discuss your interview/survey with other students and/or collaborate on any part of your submission for Part 3, you should also submit a file named `acks.txt` that acknowledges their contributions and/or makes clear which components were joint work. If you completed this part entirely on your own, say so in your `acks.txt` file. **What to submit** Your file `acks.txt` ### Part 5: Feedback Create a file named `feedback.txt` that answers the following questions: 1. How long did you spend on this assignment? 2. Any comments or feedback? Things you found interesting? Things you found challenging? Things you found boring? **What to submit** Your file `feedback.txt`