CS312 - Spring 2012 - Class 9
- take-home quiz next week (will be available Monday)
- homework 2 grades sent out
- last assignment out soon
- A word of warning: after the break, you're going to need to put regular time into this course
friends table
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE friends (
last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
prof_id INTEGER /* foreign key */
CREATE TABLE professions (
name TEXT NOT NULL default ''
select command: allows us to query the database
inserting into a table
- so far, all we've done is query existing data in the table
- we can both insert, update and delete data into the tables
- INSERT: two basic forms:
- specify all of the values
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
- specify particular column values (assuming a default is allowed for that column)
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
sqlite> insert into friends (last_name, first_name, email, prof_id) values("Z", "Bobby", "bobbyz@phoenix.edu", 5);
sqlite> select * from friends;
- NULL represents no value in sql (like a null pointer)
- our friends table has 5 values
- the first is an friends_id
- we could specify this ourselves, but better to let sqlite just take care of it for us
- we can say we don't have a value by specifying null
sqlite> insert into friends values(NULL, "Z", "Bob", "bob@aol.com", 2);
sqlite> select * from friends;
- if we didn't include the NULL we'd get an error, since we need to specify 5 things
- sometimes we don't want to insert a new entry, but just want to update some of the values of an entry
- the update command allows us to do this
UPDATE table_name
SET column1=value, column2=value2,...
WHERE some_column=some_value
sqlite> select * from friends where last_name="Z";
sqlite> update friends set email="bobby@aol.com", prof_id=1 where last_name='Z' AND first_name='Bob';
sqlite> select * from friends where last_name="Z";
- be VERY careful with update!
- you can update multiple entries if you're not careful
- if you don't specify a WHERE clause, you'll update everything!
- often a good idea to do a select to check your WHERE and then run the update
deleting from a table
- DELETE allows you to remove entries from the table
- it has similar syntax to select
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value
- again, be VERY careful with delete!
- you will delete any entry that matches the where
- if you don't include a where, you will delete everything!
- often a good idea to do a select to check your WHERE and then run the update
creating tables
- as we've seen a database can contain multiple tables
- before you can perform an insert (or a select, etc) you first need to create the table
- in SQLite when we type .schema it actually shows us the statement that was used to create the table
sqlite> .schema professions
CREATE TABLE professions (
name TEXT NOT NULL default ''
- syntax for creating tables:
CREATE TABLE <table_name>(
<column_name1> <data_type> [constraints],
<column_name2> <data_type> [constraints],
<column_name3> <data_type> [constraints],
<column_name4> <data_type> [constraints]
- the table name should describe the contents of the tables and often is made plural (by convention)
- column names
- should also be descriptive
- if they contain multiple words we separate by underscores (by convention)
- we've seen the different data types that you can have in SQLite
- integer
- text
- numeric
- real
- none
- there are a number of constraints (
), the ones we'll use most frequently:
- specify all attributes that are applicable
- it will help keep your data in good shape
- it can help the performance of your queries
- Even if you don't anticipate needing it, a table should almost always have a primary key (i.e. a unique id for each entry)
- Many other things to think about when designing a database
- there's an art to designing understandable and efficient database schemas
- there are ways of improving performance by adding indexes, but that's beyond our scope
other structure changes to a database/table
- you can remove a table from the database using the DROP commands
- be careful this removes the table along with all the contents of the table
DROP TABLE <table_name>
- You can add or remove columns from a table using the ALTER command
- you should try avoid this (particularly adding since it can be expensive and sometimes requires populating new data)
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD <column_name> <data_type> [constraings]
ALTER TABLE <table_name> DROP <column_name>
- there are also other ways you can alter the table (look online)
running commands from a file
- so far, we've run all of our commands/statements from the shell
- you can also put your statements in a file and then run them all at once:
sqlite3 my_database.db < my_commands.sql
- one common place where this happens is when you get a "dump" of the database
- a database dump are all the contents of the database in statements such that if they were issues, the database would be recreated
- in sqlite3 the .dump command gives you this
sqlite> .dump
DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;
INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('professions',5);
INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('friends',4);
CREATE TABLE professions (
name TEXT NOT NULL default ''
INSERT INTO "professions" VALUES(1,'Software Developer');
INSERT INTO "professions" VALUES(2,'Medical Doctor');
INSERT INTO "professions" VALUES(3,'Financial Analyst');
INSERT INTO "professions" VALUES(4,'Chef');
INSERT INTO "professions" VALUES(5,'Professor');
CREATE TABLE friends (
last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
prof_id INTEGER /* foreign key */
INSERT INTO "friends" VALUES(1,'Smith','Joe','jsmith@woohoo.com',1);
INSERT INTO "friends" VALUES(2,'Lee','Phoebe','superchef@aol.com',4);
INSERT INTO "friends" VALUES(3,'Speaker','Tony','ts@xyz.edu',5);
INSERT INTO "friends" VALUES(4,'Johnson','Jennifer','jenniferj@medny.net',2);
web servers
- when you go to a url how do you get the html?
- to contact another computer, you need to know its IP address (think of it like a phone number)
- the url gets translated into an IP address
- there are DNS servers (domain name servers) with known IP address that do this translation for you
- once you have the IP address you issue an HTTP GET request from that computer
- servers have ports
- think of a port like a phone extension. the ip address is the main line into the computer and then the port tells you what program within the computer you should be talking through
- there are some standard ports and some open
- a web server can run on any port 80 by default (though sometimes on 8080)
- in response to your request, the server then issues the page
- note that sometimes this is just a "static" pages like we've looked at in class so far
- often, though, a "page" is dynamic and involves some computation/generation on the backend
- this concept of dynamic page content has revolutionized web pages
ruby on rails
"Ruby on a Rails an open-source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration"
- created in 2003 (version 1.0 released in 2005)
- built on top of Ruby
- Ruby syntax and Ruby commands play an important role in Ruby on Rails
- allows for quick development of web applications, i.e. dynamically generated web content
- general framework tends to promote
- separation between data, implementation and visualization
- quick development cycles
- incremental development (try something out, see the results and try again)
MVC setup
- one of the key concepts behind Ruby is the Model View Controller framework
- see Figure 4 on pg. 30 of the book
- Model
- behind most web applications is some data, often stored in a database
- the model is responsible for
- interfacing between the other components and the database
- abstracts away the details of the underlying database, query language
- providing the only way of accessing, editing and updating the data
- allows for integrity checking, etc. all in one place
- View
- in charge of how the data is displayed and visualized
- should not be doing much computation or calculation
- in our case:
- html
- css
- some Ruby interspersed
- Controller
- glues everything together
- receive events and information from the outside world
- handles all of the logic and queries
our first rails application
- to setup a new project type:
$ rails new demo
- in response to this a lot of files will be created
- if you're curious about the options for creating new projects
$ rails new -h
- if we look now, we have a directory called "demo" created (i.e. the name of the project)
- inside the project directory are a bunch of directories and files
- files:
- directories:
- pg. 257 in the book has a description of what is in each
- don't be overwhelmed by all of these directories
- the names are fairly intuitive
- we'll introduce them slowly
- a project defines a new application at the base of a web server
- eventually, we would deploy this application to public facing web server
- for now, though, we can run our own local web server
- ruby comes with its own web server (or you can specify your own)
- inside your project directory run
$ rail server
- this starts the web server with this project at its base
- logging information, etc. will be printed out
- to kill it, type Ctrl+C
- we can now see what our current application is by going to:
- 'localhost' means this current computer
- ':3000' says port 3000
- note that this is not a publicly available web server, but will suffice for testing
- the page that is displayed is the default starter page for a ruby application
- the "public" directory contains the static web pages and is by default at the base of the application
- if we look in the public directory we see a number of html files
404.html 422.html 500.html favicon.ico index.html robots.txt
- rails has generated all of this default information for us
- if we look in index.html we see the html/css for the default web page we saw
- let's change this:
- rename the index.html page:
$ mv index.html index.old.html
- and now let's put in our own index.html file
<! DOCTYPE html>
<title>My own starter page</title>
<h1>This is where it all starts...</h1>
- now if we hit refresh on our web browser we see the updated content
- inside the public directory, you can put any static content/pages you'd like and build up the static structures
dynamic content (controllers and views)
- the power of ruby on rails, though, is dynamically generated content
- to do this, though, we need to generate a new controller and view
$ rails generate controller Name forward backwards
- this tells rails to generate a controller (and associated files) called "Name" and it should have actions forward and backwards
- each controller is by default routed as a subdirectory and each action it's own subdirectory from there
- the views
- the view shows how the content is presented
- in app/views/name/ we have views for these different actions/pages
- all of the files are of type .html.erb
- the .erb stands for "embedded ruby" and tells rails to process ruby commands nested in the html file
- if we look in forward.html.erb we see
<p>Find me in app/views/name/forward.html.erb</p>
- we can change this html and see the change in the page
<h1>This is the name forward</h1>
<p>It has 4 characters in it</p>
- notice that when we refresh the page, we see updated commands
erb: nesting ruby
- we can nest ruby commands inside a .erb file in two ways
- we can wrap code in <% ... %>
- in this case the statement is run but nothing it output to the html file
- we can wrap code in <%= ... %>
- in this case, the return value of the statement is inserted into the html file
- for example, if we change forward.html.erb to:
<h1>This is the name forward</h1>
<% name = "Dave" %>
<p><%= name %></p>
<p>It has <%= name.length %> characters in it (calculated automatically)</p>
- the first embedded statement just creates the variable name
- which we use in the next two embedded statements
- notice that when we refresh, we see the updated content
- if we look in the html all of these ruby commands have been replaced by text
the controller
- let's update the backward page to show the name backwards
- we could edit backwards.html.erb to be something like:
h1>This is the name backward</h1>
<% name = "Dave" %>
<p><%= name.reverse %></p>
- but if we ever wanted to change the name, we'd have to change it in both files
- ruby also created a controller for us in app/controllers
- if we look at name_controller.rb
- a class that inherits from ApplicationController
- we have three methods that are associated with our two actions
- each method is called before the corresponding view is generated
- adding a centralized name instance variable
- to start with, let's add a name instance variable here that is shared between the views
- lets add an initialize method that defines an instance variable @name
def initialize
@name = "Dave"
- don't forget the call to super() (i.e. the parent class's initialize) otherwise things won't work correctly
- now, we can go back to our view files and access this variable
- the views associated with a controller have access to all of the instance variables as if they were inside the class
<h1>This is the name forward</h1>
<p><%= @name %></p>
<p>It has <%= @name.length %> characters in it (calculated automatically)</p>
- we can also change backwards to work appropriately with this variable
<h1>This is the name backwards</h1>
<p><%= @name.reverse %>
- avoid work in the views
- in general, the views should just be for displaying content
- even though calling reverse is not a major computation, it hides implementation details in the view
- we should move this computation to the controller
- setup the controller to do all the reversing, etc
def initialize
@name = "Dave"
@reversed = false
def forward
if @reversed
@name = @name.reverse
def backwards
if not @reversed
@name = @name.reverse
- and then edit backwards to just display the name
<h1>This is the name backwards</h1>
<p><%= @name %>
linking between views
- let's say we'd like to add links between forwards and backwards
- we could put in a <a href=..., but it's very likely that this address wouldn't remain constant (we might move things, deploy somewhere else, etc.)
- rails has a link_to function that allows us to link_to a page within the application
- it also precomputes some paths for us to use in our program, in particular for ours:
- name_forward_path contains the path to forward
- name_backwards_path contains the path to backwards
- using this, we could add the following to the bottom of forward to add a navigation bar:
<p><%= link_to "Forward", name_forward_path %> <%= link_to "Backward", name_backwards_path %>