Department of Computer Science
Middlebury College
CS 312 - Software Development
Spring 2012

instructor: Dave Kauchak
e-mail: [first_initial][last_name]
office hours: MBH 635
  M/W 2-3pm
  T/Th 3-4pm
  and by appointment

time: T/Th 1:30-2:45pm
location: MBH 632
web page: or go/cs312


Other information:

Team Project Websites

Midd Ride Share
People Nearby Me
Midd Dining


The quiz is now available.
The final project description is now available.


Note: This is a tentative schedule and will likely change
2/14admin, ruby basicsRuby 2assignment 1 
2/16ruby classes, regex (ppt)Ruby 3  
2/21ruby blocksRuby 4assignment 2 
2/23code repositories, gitgit tutorial  
2/28unit testingRuby 13  
3/1test driven development (TDD)
unit testing, experiment
Ruby 23
assignment 3 
3/6TDD, HTML, CSSXHTML, CSS Basic, char setsassignment 4
3/8databases, SQLAll SQL Basic  
3/13rails introRails: Intro, 1, 2  
3/15CLASS CANCELLEDRails: 3, 5, 6assignment 5 
3/20rails dbsRails: 7, 8  
3/22rails verification   
4/3agile, project planningoptional reading: scrum studyfinal project 
4/5sprint planning, GitHub tutorial   
4/10pair programming (ppt)Wikipedia  
4/12controlled experiments   
4/17demo, sprint retrospective
(google API examples)
4/19sprint planning   
4/24debuggersdebugger tutorial  
4/26debug examples   
5/1demo, retrospective   
5/3sprint planning, profilers   
5/8Adam Franco, LIS   
5/10course retrospective   

Final project demos will be: Friday 5/18, 2-5pm
