CS51A - Spring 2025 - Class 1
Example code in this lecture
Lecture notes
What is Computer Science?
What is AI?
- Where have you seen it used?
Why are you taking this class?
About the class
Course Administrative (
- Schedule
- T/Th class with T/W evening lab
- Roughly weekly assignments, usually due on Sunday nights
- All material will be posted on the course web page
- We will use slack for discussion
- Use this to ask any content-based questions
- Check it regularly
- Late work policy
- Grading
Honor code
and collaboration (read the policy!)
Other misc. announcements
- Make sure you're registered for the lab
- We will have our first lab sessions next week in Edmunds 219/229
Style of the course
- interactive!
- ask lots of questions
- participate
- be expected to do group work in class
- You'll be expected to be here in class and lab
- I'll post my notes and examples online. You may still want to write some things down, but you don't have to write every word down
- I assume no prior computer science, programming or science background
- The pacing may be a bit slow for some early if you've played around at all with programming, but it will get harder soon enough, so make sure you keep up
- We'll be using the Pycharm IDE for this course as our interface into Python
- What is an IDE?
- Integrated Development Environment
- Incorporates a text editor with other tools for running, debugging and navigating through the code
- When it starts, a number of different parts of the window
- For now (and most of this course), we're only going to be using two main components:
- Main editor window
- Python Console
- You can rearrange them however you'd like, but I prefer main editor on left and Python Shell on right
- Python is an interpreted language
- you can type commands and get an immediate response back
- many programming languages require you to compile the program first and then run it
- Python makes a great calculator
- the ">>>" is the interpreter prompt where you type statements
- when you hit enter/return, Python executes the code and gives you the answer (if there is one)
- Python has all of the standard mathematical operations
- What math operations might you want?
- +, -, *, /
- ** (power or exponentiation)
- % (mod aka remainder)
>>> 4+4
>>> 15*20
>>> 20/4
>>> 10-20
>>> 10+4*2
>>> (10+4)*2
>>> 2**10
>>> 2**30
>>> 2**-2
>>> 10%4
>>> 11 % 7
- What is operator precedence?
- Python follows the normal operator precedence you're used to for math
- things in parenthesis get evaluated first
- ** is next
- %, * and / next
- + and - last
- Why are these different?
>>> 2 + 3
>>> 10/2
- anything that represents a value (e.g. a number) is called an expression
- contrast this with a statement, which tells the computer to do something
- for example, "walk over there" is a statement in English
- or, for computers, something like, "draw something on the screen"
- All the things we've seen so far have been expressions
- Even just typing a number, e.g. '5' is an expression
- In Python (and many programming languages) all expressions have a type
- the "type" of an expression determines how Python interprets and understands an expression
- Python is a "strongly typed" language: every expression in Python has a type
- what are the types of the two expressions above?
- they are both numbers, but Python makes a distinction between integers and floating point numbers (i.e. numbers with decimals)
- For now, just make sure that you understand:
1) There are two different types of numbers in Python (integers and floating point numbers, aka floats)
2) When you'll end up with an integer or a float
- Division always ends up with a float
- If any one number in an expression is a float, then the whole expression will be a float
>>> 2+5*6
>>> 2.0 + 5 * 6
>>> 2**3
>>> (10/5)**3
>>> (10%3)*4
bbq party
- you're having a party and you're trying to figure out how many hot dogs to buy. Here's what you know:
- teran isn't a big fan of hot dogs, so he'll only eat 1
- jasmin generally eats 2
- chris always eats twice as many as jasmin
- brenda eats one less than chris
- grace eats half as many as brenda at the party and also likes to take one extra one home
- try and do this on paper
- 13 (assuming that if someone eats half a hot dog, we still have to count the whole thing)
- how did you do it?
- how could you figure this using math operations in Python?
- might be able to do it, but would require a lot of remembering (or writing things down)
- variables allow us to store things and then use them in other expressions
- a variable is storage for a value
- it holds a value
- we can change its value
- we change the value of a variable using '=' (also known as assigning to a variable)
>>> teran = 1
>>> teran
- changing the value of a variable is a statement. It tells the interpreter to do something, but does NOT represent a value
- Using variables, we can do our hot dog calculation as a sequence of assignments
>>> teran = 1
>>> jasmin = 2
>>> chris = 2 * jasmin
>>> brenda = chris - 1
>>> grace = brenda/2 + 1
>>> total_hotdogs = teran + jasmin + chris + brenda + grace
>>> total_hotdogs
- Why did we get 12.5?
- brenda/2 gave us 1.5
- There are many ways to fix this so that we get an integer answer
- One way: the // operator
- "floor" division, rounds the answer towards negative infinity
- for positive integers, drops the decimal portion
>>> 11//2
>>> 10//3
>>> 11//3
>>> 11.0//2
Note that if you use // on integers, it gives you an integer answer and if use it on a float, it gives you a float, but still with the decimal part gets truncated
- How does this help us?
grace = (brenda + 1) // 2 + 1
- we add one to force it to round up
- if it's an odd number, it does what we want
>>> 3 // 2
>>> (3 + 1) // 2
- if it's an even number, it doesn't change the answer
>>> 4 // 2
>>> (4 + 1) // 2
>>> teran = 1
>>> jasmin = 2
>>> chris = 2 * jasmin
>>> brenda = chris - 1
>>> grace = (brenda + 1) // 2 + 1
>>> total_hotdogs = teran + jasmin + chris + brenda + grace
>>> total_hotdogs
naming variables
- generally you want to give good names to variables (x and y are not good names unless they represent x and y coordinates)
- variables should be all lowercase
- multiple words should be separated by an '_' (underscore)
variable assignment: when assigning to a variable, Python evaluates what is on the right hand side of the equals sign and then assigns this value to the variable
- After typing the above, if I then type jasmin = 4, what happens to chris?
- chris stays the same!
- '=' is not mathematical equivalence
what if you get a text from jasmin and she now says she's planning on eating 4?
- we'd have to re-enter each of the lines (well except the first one)
- I already had to do this once to change for the // and it was annoying. I don't want to have to keep doing it!
programs in Python
- besides interacting with the shell, we can write statements in a file and then run them
- the file editing window in the Wing IDE allows us to do this
- on many levels, it behaves a lot like a text editor (e.g. Word). You can:
- create new files
- open files
- save files
- edit files
look at
bbq.py code
- I've typed in the same code we typed into the shell, but now in the text editing section
- I've saved it in a file called bbq.py
- we'll use the extension .py by convention to indicate a Python program
- Anything different from what I'd typed before into the shell?
- I've used whitespace
- you can use spaces without affecting how the code executes
- we use blank lines to make the code more understandable
- I've included "comments"
- These don't affect how the program runs, but are important for writing programs that you (and others) can understand
- this is part of the "style" of the program
- comments in Python are designated using '#' (the pound sign)
- python ignores everything from the # to the end of the line
- you can put them on lines by themselves
- or if you have short comments, you can add them at the end of a line
- comments are VERY important
- they allow you to communicate in plain English (to others and to yourself when you look at the code later)
- you will be required to put them in your programs for this course
running the code
- With an IDE, not only can you edit code, you can also run it
- There are a few ways to run a program. The most useful way is to right-click on the file and then select "Run File in Python Console"
- when you run a program, you get a brand new shell session (in the python shell)
- Any variables, etc. you may have manually created in the shell window will NO LONGER EXIST
- it executes your program a line at a time from the top
- it's like you typed all of those commands in the shell
- the one difference is that you don't get line-by-line feedback
- for example, if you put 4+4 in a program on a line by itself, you won't see anything
- if you want to see the value of a variable or an expression, you need to "print" it
- if we run this program, and then we look at the total_hotdogs variable, it would have the value 13, as we expected