1. Draw below what the following program would draw on the screen: from turtle import * def draw_something(x, y, length): pu() goto(x, y) pd() goto(x + length, y) for i in range(10): draw_something(0, i*5, i*5) 2. Write a function called my_startswith that takes two strings as parameters and returns True if the first string starts with the second string. You may NOT use the built-in startswith method. You may assume that the second string is shorter than the first. 3. Rewrite each of the bool expressions below more compactly. For example, rather than writing x and x we could just write x ---------------------------- a. # x contains some bool value True and x b. # x contains some bool value False or x c. (y > 0 and z == 1) or (y > 0 and z == 2) 4. For each of the statements below state whether an error would occur OR state what would be printed out. Make sure to make it clear whether you have printed an int, float or a string. print(2 + 5.5) print(15 / 2) print(15 // 2) print(2 + '3') print(str(2) + '3') 5. Write a function called random_test that takes three parameters: an int called max, an int called threshold, and an int called num. The function should generate num random numbers between 0 and max (inclusive) and return the number of these values that were less or equal to the threshold. 6. What would the following function return if we called it with 4 as the parameter: def mystery(x): count = 1 total = 0 while count <= x: total += count * count return total 7. If we had the following program in a file and we ran the program, what would you see displayed? def mystery(a_string): return a_string + a_string def mystery2(a_string): print(a_string.lower()) mystery("CSCI 51a PO is good") mystery2("CSCI 51a PO is great") 8. DNA is made up of four different bases, abbreviated A, C, G and T. A DNA sequence consists of some combination of these letters. Write a function called random_DNA that generates a random DNA sequence. Your function should take a single parameter that is the length of the sequence to generate. 9. Two of the following three functions do the same thing. Identify the two that are the same: def a(x, y): if (x < 0 and y < 0) or (x > 0 and y > 0): return x * y else: return 0 def b(x, y): if x < 0 and y < 0: return x * y elif x < 0: return 0 else: return x * y def c(x, y): if x < 0 and y < 0: return x * y elif x > 0 and y > 0: return x * y else: return 0 10. Write a Python function string_to_int_list that takes a string representing a number and returns a list of ints representing the individual digits. For example: >>> stringToIntList("80345") [8, 0, 3, 4, 5] 11. Suppose that fruits is initialized as follows: fruits = ["kiwi", "banana", "papaya", "mango", "melon"] What would the following statements print (make sure to be clear what the type of the thing is, i.e. string vs. list): a. print(fruits[1]) b. print(fruits[:1]) c. print(fruits[-3:-1]) d. print(fruits[2][4]) 12. What would the following function return if called it with “computer science” as the argument (i.e. hmm("computer science")): def hmm(phrase): output = "" for i in range(len(phrase)): if phrase[i] in output: output = output + phrase[i] return output 13. Write a function called swap that takes as input a dictionary and returns a new dictionary where key is the old value and the value is the old key, i.e swaps the key/values. You may assume that the value are unique. >>> d = {"a":1, "b":2, "c":3} >>> swap(d) {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} 14. Write a function called capitalized_lines that takes as input a file and counts the number of lines that start with a capital letter.