Lecture 11: Contexts, Comprehensions, and Test 1 Prep



This is an extra topic on which you won't be tested.

  • There's a bug in this function; what is it?

    def read_file_lines(path : str) -> List[str]:
        f = open(path, 'r')
        lines = []
        for line in f:
        return lines
    • Didn't close f!
    • Here's another function:

      def is_line_in_file(path : str, line : str) -> bool:
          f = open(path, 'r')
          for this_line in f:
              if this_line.strip() == line:
                  return True
          return False
      • It also has a bug! What is it?
        • Doesn't always close f!
    • Here's yet another function:

      def is_num_in_file(path : str, num : float) -> bool:
          f = open(path, 'r')
          for this_line in f:
              if float(this_line.strip()) == num:
                  return True
          return False
      • It also has a bug! What is it?
        • Doesn't always close f!
        • float(str) can throw an error!
  • with ... as binding:
    • A new kind of control structure
  • The ... creates a resource like an open file, calling it binding
    • Open files are tracked by the OS with "file handles"
    • There is a limited number of these available!
  • Files (and other scarce resources like them, which Python calls "context managers") implement two methods:
    • __enter__()
    • __exit__()
    • These get called on going into the with and on leaving the with
      • Either because of control moving past the end, or because of a return! Or even an error!
  • with is a safe way to use these without worrying about doing the cleanup

Student Presentation

Self appraisal quiz: mystery recursive function

def rec_mystery(l):
    # assumes list has at least one element
    if len(l) == 1:
        return l[0]
        m = rec_mystery(l[1:])

        if m > l[0]:
            return m
            return l[0]

Midterm prep


  • You can bring two pages of notes
    • Two single sided sheets
    • One double sided sheet


Finding and fixing bugs
Writing some code
What's going on?


  • Everything before recursion
  • print vs return
  • aliasing
  • math operations
    • in-place update operators:

      x = 0
      x += 1   # x = x + 1
      y = 100
      y *= x   # y = y * x
               # + * / - have these versions
      s = "hello"
      s += " hi" # --> "hello hi"
  • fundamental control structures (syntax)
  • slicing and sequences, sequence operators
  • differences between types of sequences
  • be able to read a specification and implement some code
  • be able to read some code and come up with a plain language specification (e.g. function name, how you'd explain it to a non-programmer)

List Comprehensions

This is an extra topic on which you won't be tested.

  • We can quit writing that same for loop over and over and use list comprehensions instead (please see the reading for examples).

Author: Joseph C. Osborn

Created: 2020-04-21 Tue 10:44
