Department of Computer Science
Pomona College
CS 051A PO—Intro to Computer Science with Topics in AI
Spring 2025

Lecture Instructor

Dave Kauchak
office hours: Edmunds 224
  Mon 9:30-10:30am
  Wed 9:30-10:30am
  Thu 10-11am
  and by appointment

Lab Instructor

Zilong Ye
office hours: Edmunds 115 - Thu 3-4:30pm

Mentor hours (in Edmunds 229)

Assignment submission:

Web page:

Textbook: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition. Brad Miller and David Ranum, based on original work by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers. It is available online for free.

Final exam: Monday, May 12, 2-5pm (Section 1) and Wednesday, May 14 2-5pm (Section 2)

Other information:


Note: This is a tentative schedule and will likely change
1/21 introduction Ch 1-2
1/23 functions Ch 1-2 Assignment 0
1/28 modules Ch 4-5 practice 1 (solutions)
1/30 random, booleans Assignment 1 practice 2 (solutions)
2/4 conditionals Ch 7-8 practice 3 (solutions)
2/6 while loops and lists Ch 9 Assignment 2 practice 4 (solutions)
2/11 sequences Ch 10 practice 5 (solutions)
2/13 boolean variables, aliasing, parameter passing Ch 6 Assignment 3 practice 6 (solutions)
2/18 scope and debugging Appendix (Debugging)
2/20 reading files Ch 11 Assignment 4
2/25 dictionaries Ch 12 practice 7 (solutions)
2/27 recursion Ch 16 Assignment 5 practice 8 (solutions)
3/4 more recursion practice 9 (solutions)
3/6 Midterm 1 Assignment 6 sample problems (solutions)
3/11 intro to AI, neural nets (ppt) NN lab
3/13 machine learning/naive bayes (ppt)
3/18 Spring break
3/20 Spring break
3/25 ethics presentations Assignment 7
3/27 classes Ch 17
4/1 more classes Ch 18 Assignment 8
4/3 search
4/8 problem solving via search Assignment 9
4/10 informed search
4/15 adversarial search Assignment 10
4/17 more adversarial search
4/22 web pages Assignment 11
4/24 Midterm 2
4/29 exceptions and sets Ch 3, 13 Assignment 12
5/1 higher order functions
5/6 big O