Type name |
Application |
A standalone window which contains other components. |
Audio |
Type of audio file that can be played |
Button |
type of button component in window |
Choice |
Type for pop-up menus |
ChoiceFactory |
Type of factory to generate choice boxes (pop-up menus) |
Color |
Color composed of r, g, and b components |
Component |
The super-type of all components in a GUI. |
ComponentFactory<T> |
where T <: Component |
Container |
The type of components that contain other components. |
DrawableImageFactory |
type of factory for creating images on canvas at(location: Point) size(width: Number, height: Number) file(fileName: String) on (canvas: DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
DrawingCanvas |
DrawingCanvas holding graphic objects |
Event |
Generic event containing source of the event. |
FieldFactory |
Type of object that generates text fields Text fields can respond to user actions |
Foreign |
Function<T, R> |
Types of blocks representing functions taking an argument of type T and returning a value of type R |
Function2<T, U, R> |
Types of blocks representing functions taking two arguments of type T and U and returning a value of type R |
Graphic |
Objects that can be drawn on a canvas and moved around. |
Graphic2D |
Two-dimensional objects that can also be resized |
GraphicApplication |
Type of object that runs a graphical application that draws objects on a canvas included in the window and responds to mouse actions |
Input |
Component that can take input and respond to an event |
KeyEvent |
Type of an event associated with a key press |
KeyResponse |
type of an action taking a KeyEvent as a parameter |
Labeled |
Component of window that holds text |
Line |
One-dimensional objects |
LineFactory |
Type of factory for creating line segments |
MouseEvent |
Mouse event containing mouse location when event generated |
MouseResponse |
type of an action taking a MouseEvent as a parameter |
NumberField |
Component in window taking user numeric input |
Procedure<T> |
Type of block taking argument of type T and returning Done |
Response |
type of an action taking an Event as a paramter |
Text |
Text that can be drawn on a canvas. |
TextBox |
Component of window that holds text |
TextField |
Component in window taking user text input |
Class name & constructor |
application.title(initialTitle:String)size(initialWidth:Number, initialHeight:Number) -> Application |
Create Application with window w/title initialTitle and size initialWidth x initialHeight |
audio.url(source':String) -> Audio |
Create an audio file from source', which is a web URL |
button.labeled(label':String) -> Button |
Create a button with label given by label' |
color.r(r':Number)g(g':Number)b(b':Number) -> Color |
Simple color class |
drawable.at(location':Point)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic |
abstract superclass for drawable objects (of type Graphic) |
drawable2D.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
abstract class for two-dimensional objects |
drawingCanvas.size(width':Number, height':Number) -> DrawingCanvas |
class representing a window panel that manages graphics on screen The window containing the canvas has dimensions width' x height' |
event.source(source':Component) -> Event |
class to create an event generated by source' |
eventLog.kind(kind':String)response(response':Procedure) |
Log entry to keep take of response to an event |
field.ofType(inputType:String)labeled(label':String) -> Input |
Create input field of type inputType showing label' |
filledArc.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)from(startAngle:Number)to(endAngle:Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate filled arc at (x',y') with size width' x height' from startAngle degrees to endAngle degrees created on canvas' Note that angle 0 is in direction of positive x axis and increases in angles go clockwise. |
filledOval.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate filled oval at (x',y') with size width' x height' created on canvas' |
filledRect.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate filled rectangle at (x', y') with size width' x height' created on canvas' |
framedArc.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)from(startAngle:Number)to(endAngle:Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate framed arc at (x',y') with size width' x height' from startAngle radians to endAngle radians created on canvas' Note that angle 0 is in direction of positive x axis and increases in angles go clockwise. |
framedOval.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate framed oval at (x',y') with size width' x height' created on canvas' |
framedRect.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
class to generate framed rectangle at (x',y') with size width' x height' created on canvas' |
graphicApplication.size(theWidth':Number, theHeight':Number) -> GraphicApplication |
Create window with dimensions theWidth' x theHeight's with canvas installed and that responds to mouse actions |
keyEvent.source(source':Component)event(event':Foreign) -> KeyEvent |
class to create an event with the key code from event' |
mouseEvent.source(source':Component)event(event':Foreign) -> MouseEvent |
class to create an event with the mouse location from event' |
resizable2D.at(location':Point)size(width':Number, height':Number)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Graphic2D |
abstract class to be extended for 2 dimensional objects that can be resized. |
text.at(location':Point)with(contents':String)on(canvas':DrawingCanvas) -> Text |
class to generate text at location' on canvas' initially showing contents' |
textBox.with(contents':String) -> TextBox |
Create a component in window that holds the string contents' It cannot respond to user actions |
Method signature | Return type |
ColorOutOfRange |
Exception that may be thrown if the r, b, or g components are not between 0 and 255 (inclusive) | |
black | Color |
blue | Color |
container | ComponentFactory<Container> |
a factory to create new containers | |
cyan | Color |
gray | Color |
green | Color |
magenta | Color |
neutral | Color |
numberField | FieldFactory |
Factory to generate fields holding only numbers | |
passwordField | FieldFactory |
Factory to generate fields to hold passwords | |
pi | Number |
A rough approximation of the value of pi. | |
randomColor |
Color |
Produce a random color. | |
randomIntFrom(m:Number)to(n:Number) |
Number |
A random integer from m to n, inclusive. | |
randomNumberFrom(m:Number)to(n:Number) |
Number |
A random number from m to n, inclusive. | |
red | Color |
selectBox | ChoiceFactory |
Factory to generate choice boxes (pop-up menus) | |
textField | FieldFactory |
Factory to generate text fields Generate a text field with initial contents given by label' It can respond to user input | |
white | Color |
yellow | Color |